Suubi Community Projects Uganda (SCPU) is a local NGO, which is limited by guarantee. It advocates for the rights of children as well as their families. One of its objectives is to improve the lives of children and young people through provision of safe water, better education and health services
THE RIGHTSOF A CHILD ARE ENSHRINED UNDER ARTICLE THREE OF THE UN Convention on the rights of a child and the basic principle is protection against harm this is derived from the analogical term “in the interest of the child.”
SCPU recognizes that child abuse may occur in all places regardless of culture, race, sex or disability. In a bid to protect the child , SCPU uses available human rights instruments and the relevant legislations such as the UN convention on the rights of a child, the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, the constitution of the republic of Uganda 1995, the children’s act cap 59 to advocate for child protection.
Expectations in dealing with issues of child protection and provision of guidance of staff and third parties
The starting point for an open approach to promoting the well-being of children with our societies based on the concept from the child rights convention 1989, taking the best interest of the child as the basis for all behavior.
• Is part of the employment contract and its contravention is a cause for dismissal.
• Forms part of the partnership agreement and adherence is a prerequisite for networking collaboration.
a child according to the constitution of the republic of Uganda 1995 is one who is below the age of 18 years.
a child with disability according to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities is one who because of physical, mental sensory or intellectual disability cannot effective interact with others on an equal basis.
staff means and include employees of the organization.
Partner includes the parent support groups, and related NGOS with whom we work with.
child abuse: the universal categories of child abuse (see the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child, Ugandan constitution and children’s Act CAP 59
Sexual abuse: actual or threatened sexual exploitation of a child including all forms of sexual activity such as rape, defilement, pornography and incest.
Physical injury: Actual or physical harm to any child or a failure to prevent physical harm or suffering.
Neglect: The failure to protect a child from exposure to any kind of danger including cold, starvation, locking up, failure to carry out important aspects of care resulting in impairment of the child’s health, growth and development.
Emotional abuse: Persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection.
All abuse involves emotional ill treatment.
Exploitation: Using a child for economic gain, or performing work that may be hazardous, or that interferes with the child’s growth and development. This includes educational programs that are focused on production rather than acquisition of skills, asking child to perform excessive chores and tasks, asking children under the minimum labor age to perform paid labor, and keeping a child out of an educational facility to perform other tasks.
Suubi Community Projects Uganda considers child abuse un acceptable that hinders chances for children to achieve their full potentials for their growth and development. SCPU is committed to ensure that in all its activities and those of its partners, all necessary steps are taken to protect the rights of the child and to ensure their well being. The code of conduct and the underlying principals are to be respected by all SCPU staff, partners, donors and those visiting projects for whatever reasons including volunteers, consultants, journalists and representatives. The child protection policy takes into account local concepts of normal adult-child interaction, culture, religion, and local laws except in case where these are deemed to be contrary to the best interest of the child.
-To raise awareness to all staff, partners and other people who come into contact with Children.
-To denounce and react to rampant violation of children’s rights and abuses
-To lay out recruitment procedures, training staff on child protection matters and by developing an open and informed culture within society.
All staff, partners, volunteers and parent representatives must follow these rules to prevent, stop and report any and all abuse to children in Uganda.
1. Know the code of conduct.
2. Treat children with respect and dignity regardless of race, colour, sex, religion and nationality.
3. Be aware of children’s vulnerability: generally children with disabilities are vulnerable and susceptible to child abuse, thus requiring special protection.
4. Be aware of situation that may present risks (being alone with children during therapy session, taking film/photos or interview for work purpose/reporting).
5. Plan and organize the work, work place or visit to manage risks
6. As far as possible, be visible in working with children or visiting children
7. Participate in achieving a culture of openness to enable any issues or concerns to be raised and discussed.
8. Ensure that a sense of accountability exists between staff so that poor practice or potentially abusive behavior does not go un challenged
9.Talk to children about their contact with staff or others and encourage them to raise any concerns.
10. Empower children –discus with them their rights
11.Report concerns or incidences of child abuse to designated Person and authority
1. DO not develop physical or sexual relationship with children
2. Do not act in ways that may be abusive to children
3. Do not spend time with children alone away from others
4.Do not condone or participate in behavior of children that are illegal
5.Do not behave physically in a manner that is inappropriate e.g. fondling , kiss, or touch children in culturally insensitive
6.DO not administer corporal punishment
7.Do not act in ways intended to shame , humiliate, belittle or degrade children
8.Do not discriminate againstchildren
9.Do not employ children to do domestic work as maids, house boys and casual laborer
10.Do not allow a child to be systemically neglected
SCPU recognizes the media and technology as a necessary component in raising awareness and reporting, these include; photography, video coverage/film, internet.
SCPU shall undertake:
1. seek consent of a child or her parents before taking any coverage or photograph
2.Not to promise returns for coverageof images
3.Take images of children that are dignified and respectful
4.Ensure that images of children could not be interpreted as sexual or condone any other situation of abuse.
5.protect the safety and privacy of children and their families by not using identifiable images
6.The images and messages may only be used with consent of SCPU
-Take steps to ensure the protection of the child who is the subject of concern
-Support children , staff or others who raises the concern
-Act appropriately and effectively
-staff should not start investigation when the allegation is raised as this is the job of Directors.
1.Thedignity and rights of a child are to be respected in every circumstance.
2.Ininterviewing and reporting of children, special attention is to be paid to every child’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
3.Protections will be done in the best interest of a child.
4.While trying to determine the best interest of a child, the child’s rights to have their views taken into account are to be given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity.
5.Those closest to the children situation and best able assess it are to be consulted about the political, social and cultural ramifications of any reporting.
6.Do not publish a story or an image which might put the child, siblings or peers at risk even when identities are changed, obscured or not used.
1.Do not harm to any child, avoid questions, attitudes or comments that are judgmental, insensitive to cultural values, that place a child in danger or expose a child to humiliation or that reactivate a Childs’ pain and grief from traumatic events.
2.Do not discriminate in choosing children to interview because of sex, age, religion, status, educational back ground or physical abilities.
3.Ensure that the child or guardian knows that the reporters are talking to them.
4.Obtainpermission from the child and his or her guardian for all interviews, videotaping and when possible for documentary photographs.
1.Do not further stigmatize any child; avoid categorizations or description that expose a child to negative reprisals
2.Always provide an accurate context for the child’s story
3.Avoid further using negative descriptions like lame, limping, crippled etc
4.Always change the name and obscure the visual identity of the child
In ensuring proper implementation of the activities in the child protection, SCPU has instituted a mechanism of capturing and tracking the outcome of such a policy.
The following areas will be monitored;
1.Awareness raising to staff and partners who are in direct contact with children
2.Conduct of staff in relation to dealing with children.
3.understanding and signing the code of conduct by staff , volunteers, visitors and other ;partners
4.Establish relevant forms for capturing challenges, good practice and other suggestions.
5.Includethe policy agenda in the normal SCPU frame work to review the progress of this policy.